Asian Pharmacometric Conference (APC 2017) and PAGJa Meeting
Welcome Message
The Asian Pharmacometric Conference 2017 (APC 2017) will be held on October 26 and 27, 2017 at Kyoto University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fujita Commemorative Lecture Hall, Kyoto, Japan.
This outstanding scientific programme will include keynote lectures, oral sessions on Methodology, Application and Regulatory, and a poster session. Not only will this meeting enhance your practical and theoretical knowledge of pharmacometrics including population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic approaches, it will provide you with the unique opportunity to network with a wide range of professionals in the field of pharmacometrics among Asian countries. We sincerely welcome you to join with us or present your work at poster session of APC.
The annual meeting of Population Approach Group in Japan (PAGJa) will be also held on October 27, 2017.
We sincerely look forward to seeing you in Kyoto in October!
APC; Oct. 26th (Thu) PM – 27th (Fri) AM [Language; English].
PAGJa; Oct. 27th (Fri) PM [Language; Japanese].
Welcome reception; Oct. 26th (Thu) 17:30 – 19:30.
>> Program is available from here. <<Updated on 14th of Oct.
- Registration Fee: 10,000 JPY
- Deadline for Web Registration: Oct. 12 (Thu), 2017.
All the attendees except the invited speakers who are financially supported by APC, Web registration is necessary only at:registration was closed.- Registration can be made by filling registration form in the website.
- The registration fee should be paid by Bank Transfer within 3 weeks after the Web registration.
Abstract submission
- For oral speakers
- The oral speakers have already been fixed. Submission of the curriculum vitae and the abstract for these speakers will be asked individually by the organizing committee.
- For poster presenters
- Please submit the name, affiliation and presentation title to the organizing committee after registration until Oct. 6th (Fri), 2017 via e-mail.
- No abstract is required fir the poster presentation. The poster should be less than 90cm x 120cm.
Fujita Commemorative Lecture Hall (Faculty of pharmaceutical sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan).
Important Dates:
Poster Submission Deadline: Sep. 22(Fri), 2017
Registration Period: to 12th of Oct, 2017
Chair of PAGJa:
Professor Yusuke Tanigawara (Keio University School of Medicine).
Access to Kyoto
Kyoto Univ. Pharmaceutical sciences
Access to the Venue
Fujita Commemorative Lecture Hall [Med-Pharm Collaboration Building, 1F];
Two satellite workshops for the APC 2017 in Kyoto, Japan
- Understanding Classical Estimation Methods of NONMEM® (Wed. 25th Oct)
It is hard to understand the background theory of NONMEM. Lectures and examples will be given to understand the internals of NONMEM. Participants are expected to have basic knowledge of R software (such as package installation) but not of NONMEM. They will produce essentially the same output as in NONMEM with R optimization functions only, without any help of NONMEM. For more details and registration, please visit
- Translation of mAb PKPD: Theoretical basis and Case Studies (Wed. 25th Oct)
PIPET (Pharmacometrics Institute for Practical Education and Training) of the Catholic University of Korea will give a full day workshop in Kyoto. This is not a typical hands-on modeling workshop, but a course for comprehensive understanding of the PKPD of monoclonal antibodies and its practical application cases in clinical development. The course provides chances to look into the theoretical background in physiology and resulting mathematical models as well as interesting cases of translation in human. For detailed program and registration, please visit